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Complete Selection of Pool Supplies

Riverton Pool Supply & Maintenance and Sparkle Pool Supply have everything you need to keep your pool clean, and running efficiently, and provide countless hours of summer fun for family and friends. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are on hand at both locations ready to assist with your needs.

Water Testing and Analysis

Free Water Testing and Analysis

Proper balance of your pool’s added chemicals is crucial to maintain clear and sanitary pool water for your family’s enjoyment. That is why we offer FREE water testing and analysis at both pool supply locations. Simply bring in a sample of your pool’s water and we’ll run it through our computer system and provide a diagnostic printout. From there, our expert staff will review and evaluate the results and discuss a personalized, scheduled plan of chemicals to ensure your pool maintains water that is crystal clear.

We test and provide analysis for:

  • Free chlorine
  • Total chlorine
  • Bromine
  • Total hardness
  • Total alkalinity
  • pH
  • Cyanuric acid
  • Nitrates/ Phosphates
  • Copper/Iron
  • Bacquacil / Peroxide
  • And more!

Keep Your Pool Clean, and Running Efficiently

We will store your pool’s information in our database to have historical data to reference for each visit. We recommend that customers bring in samples to test periodically for proper maintenance and upkeep. Additional tests can be done if our staff feels they are necessary or if you’ve had any previous issues with nitrates, phosphates, iron, or copper. Whatever you’ve encountered in the past, we will clear it up for the future!

Pool Supplies

We are your one-stop shop for all of your pool chemical needs. Each location carries its own brand of chemicals which allows us to offer them at the best prices around for affordable maintenance.

Our supply offerings include:

  • Metal eliminator
  • Algaecides
  • Clarifiers
  • Flocculants
  • pH increasers/decreasers
  • Chlorine tablets
  • Granular chlorine
  • Shock
  • Cover cleaners
  • Filter cleaners
  • And much more!

In addition to these store brands, we also carry products from name brands such as Natural Chemistry, Pool Frog, and more. Need something you don’t see listed? Call or visit us today because if it’s for a pool, we’re sure to have it.




Visit Riverton Pool Supply & Maintenance or Sparkle Pool Supply for a wide selection of supplies to maintain your pool’s performance. No matter your need, our helpful staff will take the time to ensure you’re properly outfitted for pool maintenance.

  • ​Automatic cleaners
  • Manual cleaners
  • Brushes
  • Skimmers
  • Hoses
  • Backwash hoses
  • Pressure gauges
  • Replacement handles
  • Ladder supplies
  • Solar covers
  • Reels
  • And more!

Pool Maintenance

Planning a big backyard bash this summer or just looking for some fun and games for the kids? Our shelves are stocked with endless fun for the entire family.

  • ​​Diving rings
  • Basketball sets
  • Volleyball sets
  • Noodles
  • Goggles
  • Kickboards
  • Floats
  • Loungers
  • Rafts

people in pool

Along with supplies, cleaners, and toys, we are an authorized repair center for several automatic cleaners and filters. Some of these parts will require special ordering, which means that you will need to leave your unit with us overnight and possibly for a few days for proper repair. You can take comfort in knowing that your equipment will be repaired correctly by our in-store repair specialists.

​Over the years, certain parts of your pool’s equipment will need to be replaced from regular wear. Our parts counter is fully stocked with common replacement parts to ensure your system continues to run reliably.

Visit us for O-rings, gaskets, clamps, and more. Our counter help and repair specialists will find exactly what you need to keep your swimming pool running efficiently. We’re a warranty repair center for Dolphin and Polaris automatic cleaners. Not sure if we work on your cleaner? Give us a call, or stop in and we will let you know.


Not only are we the best choice for maintenance and pool supply needs but we also sell a selection of above-ground pools from Atlantic Pools, one of North America’s original manufacturers of above-ground pools.

  • ​Steel Pools
  • Resin Hybrid Pools
  • Complete Pool Kits
  • Replacement Liners
  • Railings
  • And more!

Visit either one of our stores for pool kit pricing, pool and liner replacement pricing, steel wall pools, and resin hybrids all at affordable prices with great customer service.

Above Ground Pools

Pool Service Is Fully Operational, Call to Schedule Your Appointment